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Why Pay $100's or $1,000's of Dollars To "Fix" Your Credit, When With The Right Knowledge and Tools, You Can Do Yourself? For a Fraction of The Cost and Months Sooner! All from the comfort of home?
This method is what is practiced by the greater majority if credit repair practitioners. With this method, after having examined the credit report, all negative items are circled and challenged for various reasons such as date of last activity is incorrect, balance is inaccurate, etc. Requesting that it be investigated or deleted. This used to be a very effective method in the past. Now credit bureaus are choosing to update this incorrect information rather than deleting.
A 604 dispute letter asks credit bureaus to remove errors from your report that fall under section 604 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). While it might take some time, it's a viable option to protect your credit and improve your score.
A If you have bad credit or you’re trying to improve your credit score, you’ve probably heard of a 609 letter. A 609 letter is a credit repair method that requests credit bureaus to remove erroneous negative entries from your credit report. It’s named after section 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), a federal law that protects consumers from unfair credit and collection practices. Though section 609 doesn’t say anything about disputing information in a credit report it gives consumers the right to all information used to calculate their credit score. .
A 611 credit dispute letter references Section 611 of the FCRA. It requests that the credit bureau provide the method of verification they used to verify a disputed item. It is sent after a credit bureau has responded to a dispute that a negative item has been verified.
A What is the 623 Dispute Method?
Nothing fancy, really. The name 623 dispute method refers to section 623 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
The method allows you to dispute a debt directly with the creditor in question as long as you have already filed your complaint with the credit bureau and completed their process.
The creditor must by law respond to your request, which will take the form of a verification letter.
The 623 dispute method specifically deals with whether an entry on your credit report is complete and accurate. Creditors that hold your debt must, at any time, be able to produce verification of the debt.
The 623 method “takes advantage” of how much information is required for a creditor to actually validate a debt. If there truly is an incorrect entry on your report, they will not be able to validate the debt, and you’ll be able to pursue repairing your credit.
Metro 2 Compliance is a powerfully affective process of requesting e-OSCAR to verify whether items on your credit reports meet compliance standards. This solution forces e-OSCAR to work to your benefit, not the benefit of the Credit Reporting Agencies. There is a Difference between a traditional credit dispute and a Metro 2 Compliance based request via e-OSCAR.
The Metro 2 Compliance request is a tactic of credit enhancement that requests that triggers e-OSCAR to electronically evaluate whether the all data was mandatorily perfect and complete Metro 2 Formatted Reporting Standards was properly reported within the compliance standards set forth by the FCRA. The FCRA requires that only data which is Factually Documented to be physically verified as fully true, correct, complete as reported, timely in reporting, of a known responsibility and ownership, or else wisely validated.
The Factual Dispute Methodology is an important distinction for credit repair companies who seek to help people restore their standing by referencing the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to dispute inaccurate information. Nearly 80 percent of all credit reports in the US have inaccuracies that need to be modified. This method has proven to be as high as a 90% success rate from removing negative information off of once credit report.
This methodology coupled with traditional credit disputing, I have found to be, by far, the most effective way of removing derogatory information contained in ones credit report. The best thing, in contrast to several other methods, is that no one has to lie and say a debt is not their or they don't know anything about it.

It took me about 4 months but I was able to get 2 delinquent accounts and a bankruptcy removed from our credit report. I not have a 680 Fico and was able to finance a new car last month.

Happy Customer
I figured $50 was a low risk to take, I knew that if something went wrong the promised a refund and if they failed to refund I could do a chargeback so I went ahead and gave it a try. It tool me about 4 months but I had 16 items removed off of my wife's credit report and her score jumped from 549 to 692 once the items were finally removed. In very pleased and was happy to provide a testimonial for the guys over at

I had a repo and a foreclosure along with two accounts that were in collections removed. After two months, my credit score went up 79 points by the third month. Best $50 ever spent, I highly recommend!

After my divorce, my credit was left in shambles. I had a charge offs from an auto loan, delinquent student loan, several credit cards and 4 collection accounts. After working on my credit for 6 months, I went from 512 (near Bankruptcy) to a 748 Vantage score. I just recently got approved for a home loan and now getting my life back together. I am still in shock that all I spent was $50 bucks, my time and the cost of stamps.

I'm going to be honest. The low price of this product led me to believe it was some e-book or other junk that wasn't worth anything. But I was surprised to see that I actually did receive 14 attorney drafted letters that displayed my credit “right to report under the FCRA. My credit has jumped over 38 points in the past two months and I'm expecting it to go even higher next month.”
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Don’t spend $600-$1800 on traditional “credit repair” companies. Our 14 credit dispute letters are drafted by expert attorneys and have been proven to get the following negative credit items removed permanently from your credit report:

It doesn’t matter whether your negative items are valid or not. They’ll ALL come off if you use the credit dispute letters in this package to dispute your credit report.
These letters dispute the Credit Bureaus “Right to Report” an account or an item on an account NOT whether or not an account is yours or not. Read below for a more detailed answer.

The credit bureaus will ignore the FCRA & the Court of Appeals decision if you allow them to and they’ll continue to act as if they don’t have to verify anything if you let them.
They will tell you that it is the Creditor who is responsible for providing you with the verification document not them. If you follow the simple step-by-step set of instructions that comes with the “Factual Dispute Credit Do-It-Yourself Credit Dispute Letter Package” you’ll know exactly how to deal with them and force them to follow the law set by the Appellant Courts.
Instructions-Factual Dispute Credit Letter Pkg (both MSWord & Pdf format)
Quick Start Step-by-Step Guide
Credit Dispute Letter #1 (One for each Credit Bureau –in both MSWord & Pdf format)
Credit Dispute Letter #2 (One for each Credit Bureau –in both MSWord & Pdf format)
Credit Dispute Letter #3 (One for each Credit Bureau –in both MSWord & Pdf format)
Credit Dispute Letter #4 (One for each Credit Bureau –in both MSWord & Pdf format)
Letter in response to Credit Bureau allegation of a “Frivolous Dispute”. (in both MSWord & Pdf format)
Fair Credit Reporting Act – pdf format
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq. (Revised 2018)
Statutes of Limitations For Each US State in both (MSWord & Pdf format)
Consumer Reporting Companies (in both MSWord & Pdf format)
Enter your bullet points here..

Well they are not too good to be true! Sure the Credit Bureaus, Bankers, and so-called credit repair experts will all tell you that ONLY “inaccurate” credit items can be removed from your credit report. They’ll tell you with a straight face that “accurate” negative credit items cannot be removed.

This 1971 Fair Credit Reporting Act states that a consumer reporting agency is NOT required to remove accurate derogatory information from the file of a consumer, UNLESS the information is outdated or if it CANNOT BE VERIFIED.

We’re so absolutely sure that Factual Disputes Credit Do-It-Yourself Letter Pack will help fix your credit that we’re offering a One Question conditional, Guarantee!
ONE-question-asked 120-day money back guarantee. Did you try? Factual Disputes Work!